Side Scroller
Gameplay Screenshot
First Pass
Before I started working on the map, I drew some designs on paper that I wanted to add to the game and thought about how I could put these different parts together, and that was my first step. In my assignment feedback, I realized that I had some problems with the jumping part of the game, so I fixed them to make the jumping smoother, and realized that my game needed more mechanics to enrich the gameplay, so that's what I'm going to work on next.
Second Pass
I fixed the problems I had before and spent most of my time adding mechanics, so the map hasn't changed much. However, I think my map is a bit monotonous and could use some more choice paths or hidden collectibles, and I think I could add a blood level mechanic to increase the difficulty of the levels.
Final Pass
First of all, I spent a lot of time researching how to make the map routes more varied and modified many of the original routes to make them more diverse. I also made some of the coins harder to get so that players would have more achievements when collecting them. In addition, I added blood bars and spikes to increase the difficulty of the game. Besides, I thought it would be fun to add some sound effects along with the background music. Finally, I tried my best to polish and add backgrounds to make my game more complete.